About me

Hello! I am Gabriel Oliveira Alves, a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS). I am currently working under the supervision of Dr. Pieter Claeys, in the group of Dynamics of Quantum Information. I am currently working with Quantum Chaos and Free Probability Theory.

Previously, I obtained my bachelor in Molecular Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP) -- from where I also got my master's under the supervision of Prof. Gabriel T. Landi. I have also spent five months at the university of Uppsala as an Erasmus exchange student. There, I worked on holonomic quantum computing under the supervision of Prof. Erik Sjöqvist.

I am mainly interested in quantum chaos, random matrix theory, quantum thermometry, quantum parameter estimation and statistics, as well as quantum computing.


📌 05/2024
Check out our new preprint on collisional thermometry for Gaussian systems. This was a collaboration with Marcelo A. F. Santos and my masters supervisor Gabriel Landi .

📌 01/2024
Our conference paper on the Development of a Low-Cost Video Laryngoscope just came out. This was a collaboration with the brilliant Roberto Ceccato and the team at the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo.